Feb 7, 2011

How to cook in a small Kitchen

Remember your first apartment? It was small and cheap but you hardly ever spent time there because you were either at school, work, or partying it up. So who cares if it didn't have counter space, storage, or heat right? Fast forward to getting married and /or having a kid, realization sunk in that you needed more room, especially in the kitchen and storage area, so you move to a bigger place. Imagine not being able to move to a bigger place, or even being able to move on to a bigger and better place only to downsize again. It's a huge change of lifestyle for me that I did not realize would be so hard. We are selling our house and living in a rental house that is MUCH smaller. I'm losing my mind! My kitchen is so small I don't know how to cook anything anymore! I feel so cramped and I hate it! I have no table, and no counter space. Here's some pics of our space
 It's looks ok in this picture surprisingly. However the cabinets are rusted and metal and the microwave is on a shelf that's supposed to go in the garage, which is where that door leads to.
Isn't this a lovely place to have a washer?

Even though I'm fed up with the darn kitchen I'm still cooking no matter how much of a pain in the arse it is. Today I decided to bake while Carter is napping. I bought a mix because I just don't have enough room to lay out everything I need to make stuff from scratch let alone my mixer. So here's what I made:
I gathered my supplies, which of course I had to put some on my washer
I mixed everything together according to directions on the package and then poured the brownie mix into the pan and put it in the oven to bake! It smells so good right now. I will say that make sure you actually remember to use the non stick spray and (which I did not-worried about how it'll turn out) and most importantly watch what you're doing! I put margarine in the microwave to melt and walked away and it exploded! Here's the evidence:
  I'll let you know how it tastes!!! Probably delicious! I'm also going to try and figure out a way to get back to crafting without a room, a table, or a desk. My bed might be the only place to set up something....however not sure where I'd put the sewing machine.

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PS: Carter is feeling much better now, so no to much cuddling going on anymore.

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